AmigActive 23
AACD 23.iso
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RAPlay, the Amiga RealAudio 14.4/28.8 player/decoder
Rename the appropriate CPU version (if you have no FPU, use RAPlay.020, all
others require FPU) of the program to just RAPlay and put it in the C: dir.
You will need AHI installed and configured for playback...
Make sure PIPE: is mounted also, as the streaming relies on it!
RAPlay will decode 14.4 and 28.8 RealAudio streams correctly, all others will
fail (including RealMedia and Int0 28.8 streams) and just return an error.
In this archive there is also an ARexx script to stream .ra files straight off
the web using the widely used .ram files .. to use this you need to get and
install rxsocket.library (which you should anyways, it rules) and set the
following MIME-types in your favourite browser:
MIME: audio/x-pn-realaudio
Extension: ram
Ext. Viewer: (selected)
Viewer: SYS:RexxC/RX
Arguments: Your:Path/StreamRA.rx %f
If you make sure the S-bit is set on StreamRA.rx you won't have to put RX
infront of it ("Protect StreamRA.rx +s" (if so, put StreamRA.rx as viewer))...
When that is done you can click on .ram files on the web and enjoy direct
RealAudio streaming on your Amiga... ;)
I've heard some ppl have problems with IBrowse not setting the path properly,
thus making the script fail on revokation .. this is now solved by letting you
edit the path in the script .. you can now also edit the initial playback
buffer to reduce pauses in playback (note: this can be due to insufficient
CPU power as well)
Besides that, putting "Resident >NIL: SYS:RexxC/Rx FORCE" in User-Startup will
work around that path problem .. "Resident >NIL: SYS:RexxC/WaitForPort FORCE"
might be useful for other scripts as well... ;)
News for v2.0
Lots!!! ;)
- AsyncIO reading/writing (requires asyncio.library).
- Internal AHI support.
- Proper commandline arguments.
- Optimized the hell out of 28.8 decoding, now more than twice as fast! ;)
- Improved 28.8 quality slightly (you prolly won't notice though). ;)
- Fixed a long standing overflow problem in 28.8 deinterleaving (which was
another cause of quality loss).
- Split up the sources in more logical parts, now much prettier to look at,
and easier to understand (and to incorporate in other projects).
- Improved CTRL-C handling that also works with PPC.
AsyncIO and AHI is only used when using the new arguments (old stdin/stdout
redirection works as before)...
Sadly, still no more formats supported, as no-one has provided any info on
them, if you sit on any such info, please contact us!
Examples of usage
"RAPlay ?" will give you the argument template.
"RAPlay file.ra" will play file.ra on default AHI unit (0).
"RAPlay file.ra UNIT 2" will play file.ra on AHI unit 2.
"RAPlay file.ra file.raw" will decode into file.raw (signed 16bit 8kHz).
"RAPlay <file.ra >file.raw" will decode using old method (no AsyncIO or AHI).
(if you accidentally run RAPlay without arguments, just hit enter to break it)
Amiga Alternative Audio Page
-> http://www.honeypot.net/audio.html
Art Bell
-> http://www.artbell.com/sound.html
Gold Tooth
-> http://www.goldtoothdisplay.com/avpage.shtml
Skint Records
-> http://www.skint.net/
If you have any information or sources on Int0 and RealMedia (including higher
bandwidth) streams, please tell us at ra@honeypot.net so we can add support for
this in a later version of RAPlay...
- Share and Enjoy! ;)